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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis sollicitudin lectus. Quisque eget pharetra ipsum. Aenean eget ligula vitae mi facilisis viverra non eu velit.

How to ruin valentines day | next level love

If you stripped away your outer beauty, amazing fashion sense and maybe a few teeth or insignificant body parts, would your man still love you? Does he love you for YOU? The inside. No, you pervert, he definitely likes the inside. I’m talking about your soul. Your spirit. The thing that lives inside of you in the form of an animal. Or for some people an inanimate object. For the big date he is probably expecting soft curls, a smokey eye and a push-up bra. Put him to the test with these beauty trends no man could possibly enjoy to see if he can overlook your outer weirdness for love of your inner weirdo.
1. Blue lipstick. An eerie reminder of how chilly it could get later. Bonus for a stack of Baby G watches or really any other styling rocked by Ke$ha.
2. “Pink eye” – Everyone has heard rumors about ways it is contracted. This make-up is a great way to literally bring the topic to the table.
3. Witch fingers – So cheap on amazon, and WAY quicker than a manicure. You just pop them on for instant fabulosity. These ones glow in the dark so you are def going to want to keep them on for post date activities. HOT.
4. Fuck with your eye brows – bleach ‘em, erase ‘em w foundation, rock a colored brow or go full on chola – a new brow do is a sure fire way to completely change how your face looks. It’s good to keep him a little confused.

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