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Post WorkOut Hi | Eat Rainbows, Smoke Cukes


If you wanna get that molly at the club feeling in spin class, you gotta work, and by work I mean sweat. And chances are you come home from the gym soaking wet w the following thoughts “Thirsty, Thirsty, Salt, Hungry, Peanut butter, thirsty, fiber, thirsty, salt, help!” Here is a snack that cures all of the above in one fell swoop.

Yo, this is so easy. Chop cucumbers. Crush peanuts. Put them in a bowl. ENJOY!

Cukes – Israeli are dope, hot house – yes please, kirbys are super juicy and might be THE BEEST
Peanuts – Spanish peanuts w red skins – SO salty. SO good.
A squeeze of citrus and some extra salt can help too!!

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