Packing for a quest in middle earth isn’t as easy throwing your precious in a bag and a telling your sexy little gardner to carry it. You never know when the eye could be turned on you, and Sauron is a lot like the internet – once he has seen a bad outfit, it could potentially haunt you for eternity. This is a comprehensive guide breaks down the essential looks you will need to pack for each section of your journey. You might want to see if Bill Ferny has any extra ponies for sale, because you are going to need A LOT of options.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis sollicitudin lectus.
Quisque eget pharetra ipsum. Aenean eget ligula vitae mi facilisis viverra non eu velit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis sollicitudin lectus.
Quisque eget pharetra ipsum. Aenean eget ligula vitae mi facilisis viverra non eu velit.